Lab Results for Kefir Nutrition Data

Kefir is a refreshing sour milk drink that has been praised for its health benefits for many decades.  Kefir is obtained through a fermentation process triggered by yeasts and bacteria. It has an alcohol content of 0.1 to 0.8% which is extremely low and safe to be used by even children.

Kefir stimulates intestinal activity, helps to prevent heartburn, belching, and burping. It is also an appetite-stimulator and stimulates the secretion of saliva in case of dry mouth. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to kefir health benefits. In this article, we are going to focus on the nutritional facts for kefir.

Related: Kefir Scientific Evidence – 10 Extraordinary Health Benefits Of Kefir

Nutrition Content per 100g/ml Kefir:

  • Iron (0.1mg)

Iron is an important building block in hemoglobin. It helps in the transportation of oxygen through the blood to the muscles and also supplies oxygen to our brain and tissues.

Iron deficiency can make you feel flabby, tired and lethargic all day. It can also lead to difficulties in concentration, shortness of breath or tachycardia. Other signs of iron deficiency include lean muscles, brittle hair and nails, and prolonged hair loss.

  • Protein (3.3g)

Proteins are the most valuable food ingredients. Protein is the building block for essential enzymes and hormones. It also boosts your mood and performance. Consuming a higher amount of protein stimulates and increases one’s positive attitude towards life and work.

  • Fat (3.5g)

Nutrient fats are composed of glycerol and fatty acids units. They also contain other substances such as fat-soluble vitamins, colors, flavorings and antioxidants which protect the fat from oxidation.  Other compounds found in fats are cholesterol and plant sterols. However, all these substances account for about 1% of the dietary fat. Fats are important to our bodies. They are an essential source of energy and isolate our bodies from heat and cold allowing the body temperature to remain constant. Fats are also stored in the body as a reservoir for the days when we are sick.

  • Potassium (157mg)

Potassium helps in lowering blood pressure and strengthens muscles. It is crucial for the formation and mobility of the body muscles. Therefore, sufficient potassium is highly recommended for those taking part in high-performance sports or performing other strenuous physical activities.  This group of people tends to use up the supply of potassium more quickly.

Potassium is also important for the transmission of nerve impulses. It also is useful in the transportation of different nutrients to the right cells.

Potassium, just like sodium, is an electrolyte. The two minerals are needed in maintaining a balanced water ration. Potassium removes the water from the body acting like some sort o natural diuretic. On the other hand, sodium stores the water in the body ensuring that the cells and lymph are supplied with enough water.

Potassium has further been shown to prevent and also reduce high blood pressure.  This further helps in reducing the risk of heart disease or a stroke.

  • Calcium (120 mg)

Calcium is crucial for healthy skin and healthy bones. It is important for strong bones, teeth, and fingernails. It is important that the level of calcium in the body is maintained at a constant stable level. This is because this mineral is needed in other parts of the body to carry out other vital functions. It is needed for metabolism as well as for the nervous system. When there is calcium deficiency, the body will turn to the calcium reserves in the bone. This can lead to the bones becoming brittle and porous. This means that the body needs enough calcium in the body.

Calcium is also effective for passing impulses to the nerves. The muscles also will cease functioning optimally when there is a calcium deficiency. This leads to detrimental consequences to the heart muscles.

Calcium is further useful for skin and hair. They both require calcium intake to develop their natural beauty. It is important for strong and healthy fingernails.

  • Carbohydrates (4g)

Carbohydrates are a major source of energy in addition to the fat protein. They are an essential part of human nutrition. Carbohydrates provide energy more quickly than other sources. The amount of carbohydrate in Kefir is sufficient to provide you with instant energy.

  • Magnesium (12mg)

Magnesium is an essential mineral for numerous metabolic processes in the body. It plays an important role in over 300 enzymes.

The most known use of magnesium in the body is its antispasmodic and stress-relieving effect. Magnesium will soothe and relax tense nerves and muscles. It is effective for relieving calf cramps, tension-related back pain, headache, migraines, tense neck muscles, menstrual cramps, and many others. It is also useful in reducing high blood pressure which can greatly reduce the risk of heart attack and a stroke.

Magnesium also helps in the production of lymphocytes. A dose of magnesium inhibits the massive production of histamine by the lymphocytes. Histamine is known to stop various allergic reactions. The presence of magnesium in kefir is the one responsible for its properties against allergies.

  • Vitamins

Kefir contains several vitamins: Vitamin A-0.031mg, Vitamin B1-thiamine (0.03mg), Vitamin B2 (0.1mg), Vitamin B6 (0.05mg), Vitamin B12 (0.5ug), and Vitamin E (0.1mg).

Vitamin A (Retinol) is important for our vision. In addition to ensuring active eyesight, it also maintains the mucous membranes in the mouth, airways, and stomach as well as intestines. It also ensures that the body defense mechanism is intact.

Vitamin B1 has several functions as well. B1 is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses to the brain. It also helps in the breakdown of carbohydrates from the food into usable energy. It is also important for growth and development in young children and adolescents.

Vitamin B2 is essential for the conversion of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates into muscle. It is a mood booster, protects the red blood cells form pollutants, protects the skin and promotes growth in children.

Vitamin B3/Niacin is essential for strong nerves, supports metabolism, digestion, helps in the regulation of cholesterol levels and promotes healthy skin.

Vitamin B12 is essential for protecting the nerves. It is involved in the development of fine oily, moist layer around the nerves systems that protects the nerves from damage and deposits. Vitamin B12 is also useful in regulating the level of homocysteine in the blood. Increased levels of homocysteine can result in heart disease, age depression, and dementia.

Vitamin E or Tocopherol is an antioxidant. It gets rid of the free radicals found in the body preventing the skin from pre-mature aging. In collaboration with vitamin C, vitamin E it forms antibodies that fight against all types of infections. Vitamin E also helps in balancing hormones in women. It can significantly help with menstrual pain, menopausal symptoms or pregnancy problems. It is also known to enhance fertility and boost libido in men.

Kefir contains many potent ingredients that are useful for our body. It contains many valuable nutrients that together form a healthy drink. It contains plenty of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins B12, B2, B3, B1, Vitamin E, and A. Depending on the type of milk that is used to make kefir, the nutrient content of the beverage will change. Kefir is a good probiotic. It contains many microorganisms that have a positive effect on the body such as supporting healthy digestion, mental health, and it helps in managing body weight.

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